Celebrate National Invasive Species Action Week by joining the NWT Council on Invasive species, Pests, and Pathogens for a talk on invasive-free gardening!
NISAW Webinar: Invasive-Free Gardening on May 20, 12:00 PM MDT
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5272730424110842640
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Gardening for Pollinators
In this presentation, Anthony Colangelo will be discussing pollinators: who they are, why they are important, and why gardening with native plants is essential to their well-being. Anthony Colangelo is the Communications and Engagement Manager at Pollinator Partnership Canada, a registered charity dedicated to the protection and promotion of pollinators.
Non-native earthworms in your garden and in the wild
Non-native earthworms are key soil engineers that play diverse roles in our gardens and in the wild. In this presentation, Dr. Michael McTavish will dive into the origins and impacts of non-native earthworms and how to manage this belowground invasion. Michael J. McTavish is a Mitacs Elevate postdoctoral research fellow working with the Smith Forest Health Lab at the University of Toronto and Ducks Unlimited Canada.